Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering, Tribhuwan University

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Engineering
Curriculum of
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering

1st Year 1st Part:

1. Computer Programming-I: Introduction to computer, Problem solving using computer, Introduction to C, Input and Output, Structured programming fundamentals, Functions, arrays, pointers and strings, Structures, Files and file handling in C.

2. Mathematics-I: Limit, Continuity, Derivative, Anti-derivative, Applications of integral, Ordinary differential equations, Analytic geometry of two dimensions.

3. Physics: Oscillations and simple harmonic motions, Wave in elastic media, Acoustics, Electrostatics, Direct current, Magnetism and magnetic field, Electromagnetic oscillations, Electromagnetic waves, Optics.

4. Communication English-I: Introduction to pronunciation, Intensive reading, Writing (Memoranda, Business letter, Application letter, Proposals).

5. Engineering Drawing-I: Instrumental drawing, practices and techniques, Freehand technical lettering, Dimensioning, Applied geometry, Basic Descriptive geometry, Theory of projection drawing, Multiview drawing, Sectional views, Auxiliary views, Freehand sketching and visualization, Developments and intersections.

6. Applied Mechanics: General principles of statics, Vectors, Equilibrium of a particle, Force system resultants, Equilibrium of a rigid body, Friction, Planar trusses, Frames and mechanisms, Beams, Fluid statics, Centre of gravity and centroid, Moments of inertia, Kinematics of a particle, Kinetics of a particle, Planar kinematics of a rigid body, Force analysis for rigid bodies, Principle of work and energy for rigid bodies, Linear and angular impulse and momentum for rigid bodies.

7. Workshop Technology: Bench tools and basic hand operations, Hand working operations, Power tools, Measuring and gagging, Drills and drilling processes, Machine tools, Material properties, Sheet metal work, Metal joining.

1st Year 2nd Part:

1. Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass transfer: Introductory concept, Energy and the first law, Properties and states of substances, Energy analysis, Entropy and second law, Characteristics of some thermodynamics system, Introduction to heat transfer, Fluid properties and definitions, Fluid statics, Fluid flow concepts and basic equations, Viscous flow, Turbo machinery.

2. Mathematics-II: Plane curves and polar coordinates, Calculus of several variables, Multiple integrals, Analytic geometry of 3-D, Infinite series, Vectors in two and three dimensions, Ordinary linear differential equations.

3. Chemistry: Atomic structure, Ionic equilibrium, Electro chemistry, Chemical bonding, Co-ordination complexes, Transition elements-3rd series, Silicones-properties and use, Stereochemistry, Organometallic compound, Atomic compound, Explosives, Plastics and polymers.

4. Electrical Engineering Material: Theory of metals, Free electron theory of conduction in metal, Conduction in liquid and gases, Dielectric metals, Magnetic materials, Semi conducting materials, Semiconductor materials processing.

5. Electric Circuits-I: Circuit elements, Series and parallel circuits, Kirchhoff’s laws, Network analysis theorem, Single phase AC circuit analysis, Power and energy in AC circuits, Three phase circuit analysis.

6. Engineering Drawing-II: Pictorial Drawings, Design and production drawings-Machine drawings, Welding and Riveting, Piping diagram, Structural drawings, Electrical and electronic diagrams, Topographical drawings, Graphs, charts and nomograms, Reproduction and duplicating of engineering drawings.

2nd Year 1st Part:

1. Mathematics-III: Matrices and Determinants, Fourier series, Laplace transform, Vector calculus, Line, surface and volume integrals.

2. Computer Programming-II: Overview, Introduction and history of C++, C++ language syntax, Functions(methods) in C++, Support for classes in C++, Exception to C encapsulation, Object initialization and destruction, Overloading operators, Inheritance-foundation for reuse, Polymorphism and dynamic binding, Input/Output, Advanced C++ topics.

3. Electric Circuit-II: Matrix method in Network analysis, Review of classical solution, Complete time domain Response of 2nd and higher order system, Review of Laplace transform, Transfer functions, poles and zeros of network, Frequency response of networks, Fourier series and transform, Two port parameters of networks, state space analysis.

4. Semiconductor Devices: Linear device models, Two terminal non-linear devices, The junction field effect transistor, a three terminal non-linear device, The bipolar transistor, a three terminal non-linear device, The metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor, Switching circuits, The operational amplifier.

5. Logic Circuits: Number system, Digital design fundamentals, Digital system building blocks, Sequential machines, Digital design examples.

6. Basic Computer Concept: Fundamentals, Basic architecture, Operating system, Programming languages, Interpreters and Compilers, Software applications, Peripherals and accessories, Network and Internet, Computer applications.

2nd Year 2nd Part:

1. Applied Mathematics: Complex Variables, Z-Trnsforms, The fourier integral, Partial differential equation, Linear programming

2. Electronic Circuits: Integrated circuits technology and device models, Operational amplifier circuits, operational amplifier characterization, Power supplies and voltage regulators, Untuned and tuned power amplifiers, Oscillator circuits,

3. Microprocessors: Introduction to computer architecture, Computer instructions, Assembly language programming, Microcomputer system, Interrupt operations, Additional topics

4. Electromagnetics: Introduction, Electrostatic fields in free space, Gauss’s law in integral form and applications, Concept of divergence, Electric energy and potential, Electrostatic fields in material media, Boundary value problems in electrostatics, Current and current density, Time – Invariant magnetic fields, Concept of curl, Magnetic forces and torque, Quasi-Static fields, Electrodynamic fields, wave equations, Retarded potentials, Transmission lines

5. Instrumentation I: Instrumentation system, Theory of measurements, Transducers, Electrical singal processing and transmission, Non-Electrical singal transmission, Analog –Disital and disital-analog conversion, Disital instrumentation, Output devise

6. Electricdal Machines I: Magnetics circuits concepts, Transformer, Principles of electromechanical energy conversion, General aspects of modeling and steady state performance of DC machines, DC motors, DC generators, Control of DC machines in the steadies- state, Induction machines, Synchronous

3rd Year 1st Part:

1. Numerical Methods: Solution of nonlinear equations, Interpolation and approximation, Numerical differentiation and integration, Linear algebraic equations, Solution of ordinary differential equations, Solution of partial differential equations

2. Communication II Varieties of Eenglish, Mass Communication, Extensive reading, Wariting

3. Data Structure and Algorithm: Concept of data structure, The sack and queue, List, Linked lists, Recursion, Trees, sorting, searching, Graphs

4. Theory of Computation : Flainte automats and regular expression, Properties of regular sets, Context –free grammers, pushdown automata, propertics of context –free languages, Turing machines, Undecidability, Computational complexity theory, Intractable problems

5. Computer Architecture and Design: Central processing unit, Arithemetic processor design, Memory system, I/O organization, The pnP system architecture

6. Microprocessor Based Instrumentation: Interfacing concept, Methods of parallel data transfer, interfacing A/D and D/A converters, serial and parallel data communication, Transmission and telemetry of data, Circuits design and layout, Grounding and shielding, software for instrumentation and control application,

7. Control System: Component modeling, linearization, System transfer functions and responses, Stability, root locus method, Frequency response methods, Simulation using microcomputer and appropriate software, Performance specifications for control systems, Compensation and design

3rd Year 2nd Part:

1. Engineering Economics: Instroduction, Cost classification and analysis, Interest and the time value of money, Basic methodologies of Engineering Economics studies, Cost / Benefit analysis, Investment decisions, Risk analysis, Traxation system in Nepal, Demand analysis and sales forecasting

2. Probability and Statistics: Introduction and descriptive statistics, Probability, Discrete random variables and probability distributions, Continuous random variables and probability distributions, Join probability distributions and random samples, Point estimation, Interval estimation, Haypothesis testing procedures based on a single sample, Haypothesis testing based on two sample, Simple linear regression and correlation, The analysis of categorical data

3. Computer Graphics: Purpose of computer graphics, Hardware concepts, Two-dimensional algorithms, Graphical language, Project management, Three-dimensional graphics, Project development

4. Communication System: Analog and disital communication system, Representation of communication single and system, Continuous wave linear modulators, Demodulators for linear modulation, Frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM), Frequency division multiplexing (FDM) system, Spectral analysis, Disital communication system, Pulse modulation system, Disital data communication system, Representation of random singals and noise in communication systems, Noise performance of analog and disital communication systems, Introduction to coding theory

5. Operating Systems: principles of operating systems, Program construction utilities, Concurrent processes, The system nucluse (kernel), Scheduling, Input/output, Memory management, Case study

6. Database Management Systems: Introduction, Data models, Relational model, Relational language, Relational database desine, Qurey processing, Filing and file structure, Security, Crash recovery, Concurrency control, Object oriented model, Distributed model

7. Minor Project: Java programming language, Project guidance, Project on visual programming

4th Year 1st Part:

1. Project Engineering: Introduction, project planning and scheduling, Project monitoring and control, Capital planning and budgeting, Impact analysis,

2. Organization and Management: Introduction to organization and management, Internal organization of companies, Management information system, Motivating and leading people, Presonnel management, case studies

3. Computer Networks: Introduction to computer networkss, Local area networks, Transmission and channel control: The physical layer, Channel access protocols: The data link layer and medium access sub-layer, The X.25 network, Internetworking, TCP/IP Upper layer protocols

4. Software Engineering: Review of structural programming, System analysis and development, Program development, Trends in software development, Computer aided software Engineering, Object-oriented analysis and data modeling, Object-oriented design, Software quality, Software reliability, Validation techniques

5. Artifical Intellingence: Goals in problem-solving, Intellingence, Knowledge representation, Inference and reasoning, Machine learning, Application of artificaal intellingence,

4th Year 2nd Part:


1. Engineering Professional Practice: Background perspective, Ethics and professional associations, Legal aspects of professional Engineering in Nepal, The roles and practice professional Engineering in other contries, Case studies involving professional ethical issues chosen from a wide range of topics

2. Technology, Enviroment and society: Introduction, The technology society, Society and the enviroment, Technology and the enviroment, Technology and society, Green house effects, Acid rain, Technological and enviromental stiuation in Nepal

3. Disital Singal Processing: Introduction to discrete singals systems, Difference equation and frequency response, Z-trensform, Discrete filters, IIr filters design, FIR filter design, Disital filter implementation, The discrete fourier transform

4. Simulation and Modeling: Introduction to modeling and simulation, Discrete and continuous systems, generationof random varibles, Analysis of simulation output, Simulation language

5. Information Systems: Introduction to information system, Basic components of information system, Conceptual and detailed system design, Implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of IS, Parts of Information system, Management of information system, System design methodology, IS internets

6. Project Course:

Compiled/Typed By:
Bhupal sapkota
Reference: T.U Syllabus

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Sub : III/I Control System

Sub : Control System
Code : EG 648 EE
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Lab : 25
Total : 125

1. Component Modeling Linearization
- Differential equation and transfer function notation
-state space formulation of differential equations matrix notation
-mechanical component: mass, spring damper
-electrical component: inductance, capacitance, resistance, sources, motors, tahometers, transducer, operational apmlifier circuits
-fluid and fluidic components
-thermal system components
-mixed system
- linearized approximation of non linear characteristics

2. System transfer functions and response
-combination of components to physical system
-bloxk diagram algebra and system reduction
-mason's loop rules
-laplafce transform anlysis of system with standard input functions steps ramps, impulses, sinusods
-initial and final steady state equilibria of systems
- principle and effects of feedback on steady state gain bndwidth error magnitude, dynamic response

3. Stability
- Heuristic interpretation of the conditions for stability of a feedback system
-characteristics equation, complex plance interpretation of stability, root locations and stability
-routh hurwitz criterion, eigenvalue criterion
-setting loop gain using the RH criterion
-relative stability from complex plane axis shifting

4. Root Locus Methos\d
-Relationship between root loci and time response of systems
- Rules for manual calculations and construction of root loci diagrams
-computer programs for root loci plotting, polynomial root finding and repeated eigenvalues methods
-derivative feedback compensation design with root locus.
-setting controller parameters using root locus
-parameter change sensitivity analysis by root locus

5. Frequency response methods
-frequency domain characterization of systems
-relationship between real and complex frequency response
-bode amplitude and phase plots
-effects of gain time constants on bode diagrams
-stability from the bode diagram
-corelation between bode diagram plots and real time response: gain and phase margins, damping ratio
-polar diagram representation, Nyquist diagrams and real time response of systems: stability, relative stability, gain and phase margin, damping ratio

6. Simulation using microcomputer and appropriate software
-role of simulation studies
-linear and non linear simulations
-TUTSIM as a simulation tool

7. Performance specification for control system
- time domain specifications: steday state errors, response rate, error criteria, hard and soft limits on response, damping ratio, log decrement
- frequency domain specification: band width, response amplitude ratio

8. compensation and design
-application of root locus, frequency response and simulation in design
-meeting steady state error criteria
-lead, lag and lead lag compensation
-PID controllers

-K ogata "Modern Control Engineering" @nd edition , Prentice HallSyllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Sub : III/I Microprocessor Based Instrumentation

Sub : Microprocessor Based Instrumentation
Code : EG 634 CT
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Lab : 25
Total : 125

1. Interfacing Concept
-Types of interfacing
-Address decoding
-Input/Output registers
-PC interfacing techniques

2. Methods of parallel data transfer
-Simple input and outpur
-Single handshake I/O
-Double handshake I/O
-8255 and interface devices, block diagrams, internal structures and modes of initialization and interfacing to a microprocessor
-microcomputer on instrumentation design
-interrupt driven data transfer

3. Interfacing A/D and D/A converters
-General terms involved in A/D and D/A converters
-functiona; block diagram of 8 bit and 12 bit A/D and D/A converters
-Selectionn of A/D and D/A converters based in design requirements

4. Serial and parallel communication
- synchronous and asynchronous data communication
- paroty and baud rate
-serial interface device
-RS 232 serial data standard and interface
-Simplex, half duplex and full duplex operation using RS 232 port
-connection to printer and zero modem

5. Transmission and telemetry of data
-analog and digital transmission
-Transmission schemes
- Electrical carrirt
-Fiber optic
-data logggers

6. Circuit design and layout
-converting requirements into design
-reliability , fault tolerance and high speed design
-impedance matching
-standard sata bus and networks
-reset and power failure detection
-rebundant architecture

7. Grounding and shielding
-Outline for grounding and shielding
-single point grounding and grouped loop-noise, noise coupling mechanism and prevention
-filtering and smoothing
-different kinds of shielding mechanism
-protecting against electrostatic discharge
-line filters, isolators and transient suppressors

8. Software for instrumentation and control apllications
-types of software, selection and purchase
-software models and their limitations
-software reliability
-fault tolerance
-software bugs and testing

-DV Hall, "Microprocessor and interfacing programming and hardware
-KR fowler, "electronic instrument design"EO Duebelin"Measurement system apllication and design"
-Linear circuit data book deling with A/D and D/A converter

Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Sub : III/I Computer Architecture and Design

Sub : Computer Architecture and Design
Code : EG 633 CT
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Lab : 25
Total : 125

1. Central Processing Unit
-Hardwired and Microprogramed
-Arithmetic Logic Unit
-Addressing Modes
-Data transfer and manipulation program control

2. Arithmetic Processor design
- Addition and subtraction algorithm
-multiplication and division algorithm
-logical operation
-processor configuration
design pf control unit

3. Memory system
- microcomputer memory
-characterization of memory system
-random access memory (DRAM, SRAM)
-Memory hierarchy
-memory mapping

4. I/O organization
-Peripheral devices
-Basic I/O interface
-I/O technique
-I/O processor
-Data Commmand Processor

5. The PnP System architecture
-PnP Device configuration
-PnP card resource requirement
-PnP BIOS and OS
-PnP POST and device ROMS
-PnP BIOS services

- M Mano "Computer systme architecture"
-A Tanenbaum "Structured computer organization"
- M.Morris Mano, Charles R Kime "Logic and computer design fundamentals"
-Tom Shanley"Plug and play system architecture"
-William Stallings "Computer Organization and architecture"

Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Sub : III/I Theory of Computation

Sub : Theory of Computation
Code : EG 632 CT
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Total : 100

1. Finite automata and regular expression
-Finite state system
-Non deterministic finite automata
-Regular expression

2. Properties of regular sets
-The plumbing lemma for regular sets
-Closure properties of regular sets
-Decision algorithm for regular sets

3. Context free grammers
-Derivatice trees
- Simplification of context free grammars
-Normal forms

4. Pushdown automata
-Pushdown automata and contexzt free grammars

5. Properies of context free language
- The pumping lemma for CFL
- Closure properties of CFL's
- Decision algorithm for CFL

6. Turing Machines
-Computable language and functions
-Church hypothesis

7. Undecidability
- Properties of recursive and recursively language
- universal turing machine and undecidable problem
- recursive function theory

8. Computational complexity theory

9. Intractable complexity theory
-Computable language and functions
-NP complete problems

- HR Lewis and CH Papadimitriou " Element of the theory of computation"
- R McNaughton,"Elementary Computability, Formal language and automata"
-E Engeler," Introduction to the theory of computation"
Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Sub : III/I Data Structure and Algorithm

Sub : Data Structure and Algorithm
Code : EG 604 CT
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Lab : 50
Total : 150

1. Concept of data structure
-Abstract Data typr
-Implementation of data structure

2. The stack and Queue
-Stack as an ADT
-Stack operation
-Stack application: Evakuation of infix, postfix and prefix expressions
-Queue as an ADT
-Operation in queue, enqueue and dequeue
-Linear and circular queue
-Priority queue

3. List
-Static and dynamic list structure
-Array implementation of lists
-Queue as list

4. Linked Lists
- Link list as an ADT
- Dynamic implementation
- Operation in linked list
- Linked stacks and queue
- Doubly linked lists and its application

5. Recursion
- Principle of recursion
- TOH and Fibonacci sequence
- Application of recursion

6. Trees
- Concepts
-Operation in binary tree
-Tree search, insertion,/ deletion
-Tree traversals
-Height , level and epth of a tree
-AVL balamced trees and balancing algorithm
-The huffman algorithm
-B Tree

7. Sorting
-Types of sorting: internal and eternal
-Insertiona nd selection sort
-Exchange sort
-Merge and radix sort
-Shell sort
-Heap sort as priority queue
-Big O notation and efficiency of sorting

8. Searching
-Search technique
-Sequential, Binary and tree search
-Generall search tree
- Hash functions and hash tables
- Colllision resolution technique

9. Graphs
-Representaton and applications
_graphs as an ADT
_Transitive closusre
_Washall's algorithm
_graphs types
_graphs and spaning forests
_Depth frist Travesal and breadth frist travesaL
_topographical sorting:Depth frist,breadth frist topological sorting
_minimum spanning trees
-Kruskal and Round Robin algorithms
- Shortest path algortihm
- Greedy algorithm
-Dijkstra's Algorithm

-Y. Langsam, MJ Augenstein and AM Tebenbaum,"Data Structure using C and C++"
-GW Rowe"Introduction to Data structure and algorithm with C and C++"
G Brassard of Algorithms"
Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Code : EG 604 SH
Sem : III/I

Theory : 40
Assmnt : 10
Total : 50

1. Varieties of English
-Polite/Familiar and Impersonal

2. Mass Communication
- presentation of talk
-presentation of seminar paper
-conduction of meeting

3. Extensive reading

4. Writing
-Writing description: Landscape, technical processes, mechanical/ electrical onjects, maps, graphs, charts
- preparing note and writing talk
-writing seminar paper
-writing agenda, minute and notice
-writing technical reports

- Anne Eisenberg, "effective technical Communication", McGraw Hill 1982
- KW Hope and TE Pearsall "Reporting technical information" 5th edition

Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Code : EG 601 SH
Sem : III/I

Theory : 80
Assmnt : 20
Lab : 50
Total : 150


1. Solution of Nonlinear Equations
-Review of calculus, continuity, differentiability, intermediate value theorem, Taylor's theorem
-Absolute, relative and round off errors, error bounds for computational errors
-Bisection method, its error bounds and convergence
-Newton's method, secant method anf their convergence
-fixed point iteration, its convergence properties
-zeroes of polynomials by Horner's method

2. Interpolation and Approximation
-Taylor's polynomial approximation, Lagrange's interpolation
- Newton's interpolation and divided difference
-iterative interpolation
-cubic spline interpolation
-leaast squares method of fitting continuous and discrete data or functions

3. Numerical Differentiation and Integration
-Numerical differentiation formulas
-Newtin-Cote's numerical integration formulas, composite numerical integraiton
-Romberg integration algorithm
-Gaussian Integration formulas

4. Linear Algebraic equation
-Review of the properties of matrices
-matrix form of Gauss elimination, pivoting strategies, ill conditioning
-Cholesky's and related algorithms for matrix factorization
Eigen values and eigen vectors and the power method

5. Solution of ordinary Differential Equation
-Euler;s method for solving ordinary differential equations of 1st order and other related methods
- Runge Kutta methods
-Extension to higher order equations
initial value problem
-boundary value problems

6. Solution of partial differential equations
-introduction to the solution of partial differential equations
-engineerig examples

- W. Cheney and D. Kincad, "Numerical Mathematic and computing", Edition, Brooks/Cole publishing Co. 1985
- CF Gerald and PO wheatley, "Applied Numerical Analysis", 4th edition, Addison-Wesley publishing Company, New york
-S. Yakowitz and F. Szidarovszky," An Introduction to numerical computations", 2nd Edition, Macmillan publishing Co., New York

Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Sub : II/I - Electric Circuits - II

Sub : Electric Circuits - II
Code : EG 527 EE
Sem : II/I

Theory : 80
Assmnt : 20
Lab : 25
Total : 125


1. Matrix method in network analysis
-Mesh and Nodal analysis

2. Classical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients:
-RL, LC Ckt differential equations
-Initial Conditions on L's and C's
-Natural Response, Complete transient and steady state response

3. Time Domain Response of 2nd and Higher order system:
-Initial Conditions
-RLC resonance, damping factors, high and low Q circuits

4. Laplace Transform:
-Laplace transform of
-Step and shifted step functions
-Ramp and impulse functions
-Sinusoidal functions
-Real translation and complex translation theorem
-Partial fraction expressions

5. Laplace transform use:
-Solution of first order, 2nd order and higher order systems

6.Transfer functions, Poles and Zeros of Networks:
-Complex frequency
-Transfer functions fro two part networks
-Poles and Zeros of a n/w
-pole/zero and system time response relations

7.Frequency Response of a N/w:
-Magnitude and phase response
-Bode diagrams
-Band width, high-Q and low-Q Circuits
-Concept of filters, high-pass, band stop, low and band-pass filters.

8.Fourier Seriesand Transform:
-Basic concept of Fourier series and analysis
-non-sinusoidal waveforms-fourier Coefficients

9.Two-Port Parameters of N/w
-Short Circuit Admittance parameters
-Open circuit impedance parameters
-Transmission Short circuit admittance parameters
-Hybrid paramaters
-transmissions and relationship betn sets of parameters

10.State Space Analysis
-State and State Variables
-State space representation of n/w equations

1.Valkenburg, "Network Analysis", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1995
2. Hyat, "Engineering Circuits Analysis", TMH
3. Cilletti ,"Introduction to Circuits Analysis and Design", Holt

Syllabse Typed By:
Bhupal Sapkota
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Sub : I/I Applied Mechanics

Code : EG 439 CE
Sem : I/I

Theory : 80
Assmnt : 20
Total : 100



1. General Principle of Statics:
-equilibrium of particles
-fundamentals length, time and mass
-SI units

2. Vectors:
-Force and position vector
-Addition, Sub, dot & cross products, scalar and triple products, unit vectors

3. Equilibrium of Particles:
-Condition of Equilibrium.
-FBD (Free Body Diagrams)
-Coplanar force systems, transmissibility, force resultant
-3D - Force Systems

4. Force System Resultants:
-Cross Products
-Moments of force - scalar and vector form
-Moments of couple - scalar and vector form
-Reduction of system of forces
-moments to a single force and couples
-Resultant force
-moment for a system of forces

5. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body:
-Conditions for equiblirium
-Equilibrium in 2D : equations, two and three force members
-Equilibrium in 3D : equations, constraints for rigid bodies

6. Friction:
-Laws, Static and Dynamic Friction, Coefficients, Angle of Friction

7. Planar Trusses, Frames and Mechanisms:
-Simple Trusses
-Types of frames : determinate and indeterminate
-Degree of freedom, structure or mechanism
-Internal member force calculation: Trusses, Frames and mechanisms

8. Beams:
-Classification of Beams, loads and supports
-internal shear force, axial force and bending moment at a section

9. Fluid Statics (Hydrostatics):
-Distribution of pressure on submerged surfaces
-Center of pressure and resultant force

10. Center of Gravity and Centroid:
-Center of gravity
-Centroids of lines, areas and volumes
-Second moment (Moment of momentum - inertia)of an area

11. Moment of inertia:
-Moment of inertia by integration
-Parallel axis theorem
-Moments of inertia of composite areas


12. Kinematics of a particle:
-Rectilinear and curvilinear motion
-Uniformly accelerated motion
-Projectile motion
-Rectangular, normal and tangential components of acceleration

13. Kinetics of a Particle:
-Newton's laws and equations of motion
-Normal(rectangular) and tangential components
-Principle of work and energy
-Works, power and efficiency
-Linear impulse and momentum
-Angular impulse and momentum

14. Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body:
-Translation, rotation and general plane motion
-Relative velocity and acceleration analysis

15. Force analysis for Rigid Bodies:
-Equations of motion
-Need for moments of inertia
-Translation, pure rotation and general plane motion
-Constrained motion in plane

16. Principle of work and energy for rigid bodies:
-Kinetic energy
-PE; gravitational forces and elastic elements
-Conservative and non-conservative systems
-Work by external forces, applied loads, frictional force

17. Linear and angular impulse and momentum for Rigid Bodies:
-Conservation of linear and angular momentum
-Impulse motion and accentric impact

1. Beer and Johnson, "Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Static and Dynamics", Third Edition, TMH
2. Hibbeler, "Engineering Mechanics, statics and Dynamics", 5th Edition, MacMilan publishers, NY
3. Beer and Johnson, "Mechanics of Materials", TMH, 1981

Syllabse Typed By:
Bhupal Sapkota
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TU - IOE - BCT - Curriculum










eg 401 sh

Mathematics - I

Your Name will be listed here


eg 402 sh


Your Name will be listed here


eg 442 ct

Computer Progrmming - I

Your Name will be listed here


eg 404 sh

Communication - I (English)

Your Name will be listed here


eg 431 me

Engineering Drawing - I

Your Name will be listed here


eg 432 me

Workshop Technology

Your Name will be listed here


eg 439 ce

Applied Mechanics

Your Name will be listed here



eg 469 me

Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer

Your Name will be listed here


eg 471 sh

Mathematics - II

Your Name will be listed here


eg 403 sh


Your Name will be listed here


eg 476 ee

Electrical Engineering Materials

Your Name will be listed here


eg 477 ee

Electric Circuits - I

Your Name will be listed here


eg 481 me

Engineering Drawing - II

Your Name will be listed here



eg 501 sh

Mathematics - III

Your Name will be listed here


eg 542 ct

Computer Progrmming - II

Your Name will be listed here


eg 527 ee

Electric Circuits - II

Your Name will be listed here


eg 532 ex

Semiconductor Devices

Your Name will be listed here


eg 533 ex

Logic Circuits

Your Name will be listed here


eg 540 ct

Basic Computer Concepts

Your Name will be listed here



eg 561 sh

Applied Mathematics

Your Name will be listed here


eg 576 ee


Your Name will be listed here


eg 572 ex

Electronic Circuit - I

Your Name will be listed here


eg 573 ex


Your Name will be listed here


eg 577 ee

Electrical Machines

Your Name will be listed here


eg 574 ex


Your Name will be listed here



eg 601 sh

Numerical Methods

Your Name will be listed here


eg 604 sh

Communication - II (English)

Your Name will be listed here


eg 631 ct

Data Structure and Algorithm

Your Name will be listed here


eg 632 ct

Theory of Computation

Your Name will be listed here


eg 633 ct

Computer Architecture & Design

Your Name will be listed here


eg 634 ct

Microprocessor Based Instrumentation

Your Name will be listed here


eg 648 ee

Control System

Your Name will be listed here



eg 666 ce

Engineering Economics

Your Name will be listed here


eg 671 sh

Probability and Statistics

Your Name will be listed here


eg 678 ex

Computer Graphics

Your Name will be listed here


eg 679 ct

Communication System

Your Name will be listed here


eg 682 ct

Operating System

Your Name will be listed here


eg 681 ct

Database Management System

Your Name will be listed here


eg 677ct

Minor Project

Your Name will be listed here



eg 706 ce

Project Engineering

Your Name will be listed here


eg 709 me

Organization & Management

Your Name will be listed here


eg 741 ct

Computer Network

Your Name will be listed here


eg 742 ct

Software Engineering

Your Name will be listed here


eg 743 ct

Artificial Intelligence

Your Name will be listed here


eg 745 ct

Elective - I

Your Name will be listed here



eg 766 ce

Engineering Professional Practice

Your Name will be listed here


eg 767 ce

Technology Environment & Society

Your Name will be listed here


eg 773 ex

Digital Signal Processing

Your Name will be listed here


eg 778 ct

Simulation and Modelling

Your Name will be listed here


eg 781 ct

Information System

Your Name will be listed here


eg 777 ct

Major Project

Your Name will be listed here


eg 795 ct

Elective - II

Your Name will be listed here

Project Blogging

You feedbacks, suggestion and your participation is appreciated.
Thankx for your visit.

Subjects, subject codes source:

CURRICULUM August 2000

Tribhuwan University (TU)
- Institute of Engineering (IOE)
- Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering (BCT)

Feb - 16th - '08 2064-Falgun-4th Sat

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Project Blogging - the idea

"There is nothing mysterious about the effective, high- powered programming techniques used by expert programmers. In the day-to-day rush of grinding out the latest project, however, few experts take the time to share what they have learned. Consequently, programmers may have difficulty finding a good source of programming information" - from Code Complete, by Steven C. McConnell

This applies to "Project blogging" too and equally to every profession that exists on the globe. That's why the saying "Sharing is caring!"


Project Initiation and support:
Bhupal Sapkota

Support in listing course details:
1. Samir Thapa
2. We would like to list your name here.
Let's complete this project.

Want to help us?

you can help us in following ways:
  • 1. Send us the remaining subject course details.
  • 2. Give feedbacks on post and articles.
  • 3. Create your own blog, it can be specific to subject of your interest or anything related computer technologies. Let us know in the comments, your web page could be reference for hundreds of "Project Bloggers". We'd list your web page here under "Blogs" sections.

Supported by : Semicolon Developers, Shankhamul, Kathmandu
Project Blogging - a call for engineers from Nepal - 2011
Blogger Template - Community is Designed by Bie Blogger Template