Sub : III/I Data Structure and Algorithm

Sub : Data Structure and Algorithm
Code : EG 604 CT
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Lab : 50
Total : 150

1. Concept of data structure
-Abstract Data typr
-Implementation of data structure

2. The stack and Queue
-Stack as an ADT
-Stack operation
-Stack application: Evakuation of infix, postfix and prefix expressions
-Queue as an ADT
-Operation in queue, enqueue and dequeue
-Linear and circular queue
-Priority queue

3. List
-Static and dynamic list structure
-Array implementation of lists
-Queue as list

4. Linked Lists
- Link list as an ADT
- Dynamic implementation
- Operation in linked list
- Linked stacks and queue
- Doubly linked lists and its application

5. Recursion
- Principle of recursion
- TOH and Fibonacci sequence
- Application of recursion

6. Trees
- Concepts
-Operation in binary tree
-Tree search, insertion,/ deletion
-Tree traversals
-Height , level and epth of a tree
-AVL balamced trees and balancing algorithm
-The huffman algorithm
-B Tree

7. Sorting
-Types of sorting: internal and eternal
-Insertiona nd selection sort
-Exchange sort
-Merge and radix sort
-Shell sort
-Heap sort as priority queue
-Big O notation and efficiency of sorting

8. Searching
-Search technique
-Sequential, Binary and tree search
-Generall search tree
- Hash functions and hash tables
- Colllision resolution technique

9. Graphs
-Representaton and applications
_graphs as an ADT
_Transitive closusre
_Washall's algorithm
_graphs types
_graphs and spaning forests
_Depth frist Travesal and breadth frist travesaL
_topographical sorting:Depth frist,breadth frist topological sorting
_minimum spanning trees
-Kruskal and Round Robin algorithms
- Shortest path algortihm
- Greedy algorithm
-Dijkstra's Algorithm

-Y. Langsam, MJ Augenstein and AM Tebenbaum,"Data Structure using C and C++"
-GW Rowe"Introduction to Data structure and algorithm with C and C++"
G Brassard of Algorithms"
Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa



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