Sub : III/I Control System

Sub : Control System
Code : EG 648 EE
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Lab : 25
Total : 125

1. Component Modeling Linearization
- Differential equation and transfer function notation
-state space formulation of differential equations matrix notation
-mechanical component: mass, spring damper
-electrical component: inductance, capacitance, resistance, sources, motors, tahometers, transducer, operational apmlifier circuits
-fluid and fluidic components
-thermal system components
-mixed system
- linearized approximation of non linear characteristics

2. System transfer functions and response
-combination of components to physical system
-bloxk diagram algebra and system reduction
-mason's loop rules
-laplafce transform anlysis of system with standard input functions steps ramps, impulses, sinusods
-initial and final steady state equilibria of systems
- principle and effects of feedback on steady state gain bndwidth error magnitude, dynamic response

3. Stability
- Heuristic interpretation of the conditions for stability of a feedback system
-characteristics equation, complex plance interpretation of stability, root locations and stability
-routh hurwitz criterion, eigenvalue criterion
-setting loop gain using the RH criterion
-relative stability from complex plane axis shifting

4. Root Locus Methos\d
-Relationship between root loci and time response of systems
- Rules for manual calculations and construction of root loci diagrams
-computer programs for root loci plotting, polynomial root finding and repeated eigenvalues methods
-derivative feedback compensation design with root locus.
-setting controller parameters using root locus
-parameter change sensitivity analysis by root locus

5. Frequency response methods
-frequency domain characterization of systems
-relationship between real and complex frequency response
-bode amplitude and phase plots
-effects of gain time constants on bode diagrams
-stability from the bode diagram
-corelation between bode diagram plots and real time response: gain and phase margins, damping ratio
-polar diagram representation, Nyquist diagrams and real time response of systems: stability, relative stability, gain and phase margin, damping ratio

6. Simulation using microcomputer and appropriate software
-role of simulation studies
-linear and non linear simulations
-TUTSIM as a simulation tool

7. Performance specification for control system
- time domain specifications: steday state errors, response rate, error criteria, hard and soft limits on response, damping ratio, log decrement
- frequency domain specification: band width, response amplitude ratio

8. compensation and design
-application of root locus, frequency response and simulation in design
-meeting steady state error criteria
-lead, lag and lead lag compensation
-PID controllers

-K ogata "Modern Control Engineering" @nd edition , Prentice HallSyllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Sub : III/I Microprocessor Based Instrumentation

Sub : Microprocessor Based Instrumentation
Code : EG 634 CT
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Lab : 25
Total : 125

1. Interfacing Concept
-Types of interfacing
-Address decoding
-Input/Output registers
-PC interfacing techniques

2. Methods of parallel data transfer
-Simple input and outpur
-Single handshake I/O
-Double handshake I/O
-8255 and interface devices, block diagrams, internal structures and modes of initialization and interfacing to a microprocessor
-microcomputer on instrumentation design
-interrupt driven data transfer

3. Interfacing A/D and D/A converters
-General terms involved in A/D and D/A converters
-functiona; block diagram of 8 bit and 12 bit A/D and D/A converters
-Selectionn of A/D and D/A converters based in design requirements

4. Serial and parallel communication
- synchronous and asynchronous data communication
- paroty and baud rate
-serial interface device
-RS 232 serial data standard and interface
-Simplex, half duplex and full duplex operation using RS 232 port
-connection to printer and zero modem

5. Transmission and telemetry of data
-analog and digital transmission
-Transmission schemes
- Electrical carrirt
-Fiber optic
-data logggers

6. Circuit design and layout
-converting requirements into design
-reliability , fault tolerance and high speed design
-impedance matching
-standard sata bus and networks
-reset and power failure detection
-rebundant architecture

7. Grounding and shielding
-Outline for grounding and shielding
-single point grounding and grouped loop-noise, noise coupling mechanism and prevention
-filtering and smoothing
-different kinds of shielding mechanism
-protecting against electrostatic discharge
-line filters, isolators and transient suppressors

8. Software for instrumentation and control apllications
-types of software, selection and purchase
-software models and their limitations
-software reliability
-fault tolerance
-software bugs and testing

-DV Hall, "Microprocessor and interfacing programming and hardware
-KR fowler, "electronic instrument design"EO Duebelin"Measurement system apllication and design"
-Linear circuit data book deling with A/D and D/A converter

Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Sub : III/I Computer Architecture and Design

Sub : Computer Architecture and Design
Code : EG 633 CT
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Lab : 25
Total : 125

1. Central Processing Unit
-Hardwired and Microprogramed
-Arithmetic Logic Unit
-Addressing Modes
-Data transfer and manipulation program control

2. Arithmetic Processor design
- Addition and subtraction algorithm
-multiplication and division algorithm
-logical operation
-processor configuration
design pf control unit

3. Memory system
- microcomputer memory
-characterization of memory system
-random access memory (DRAM, SRAM)
-Memory hierarchy
-memory mapping

4. I/O organization
-Peripheral devices
-Basic I/O interface
-I/O technique
-I/O processor
-Data Commmand Processor

5. The PnP System architecture
-PnP Device configuration
-PnP card resource requirement
-PnP BIOS and OS
-PnP POST and device ROMS
-PnP BIOS services

- M Mano "Computer systme architecture"
-A Tanenbaum "Structured computer organization"
- M.Morris Mano, Charles R Kime "Logic and computer design fundamentals"
-Tom Shanley"Plug and play system architecture"
-William Stallings "Computer Organization and architecture"

Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Sub : III/I Theory of Computation

Sub : Theory of Computation
Code : EG 632 CT
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Total : 100

1. Finite automata and regular expression
-Finite state system
-Non deterministic finite automata
-Regular expression

2. Properties of regular sets
-The plumbing lemma for regular sets
-Closure properties of regular sets
-Decision algorithm for regular sets

3. Context free grammers
-Derivatice trees
- Simplification of context free grammars
-Normal forms

4. Pushdown automata
-Pushdown automata and contexzt free grammars

5. Properies of context free language
- The pumping lemma for CFL
- Closure properties of CFL's
- Decision algorithm for CFL

6. Turing Machines
-Computable language and functions
-Church hypothesis

7. Undecidability
- Properties of recursive and recursively language
- universal turing machine and undecidable problem
- recursive function theory

8. Computational complexity theory

9. Intractable complexity theory
-Computable language and functions
-NP complete problems

- HR Lewis and CH Papadimitriou " Element of the theory of computation"
- R McNaughton,"Elementary Computability, Formal language and automata"
-E Engeler," Introduction to the theory of computation"
Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Sub : III/I Data Structure and Algorithm

Sub : Data Structure and Algorithm
Code : EG 604 CT
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Lab : 50
Total : 150

1. Concept of data structure
-Abstract Data typr
-Implementation of data structure

2. The stack and Queue
-Stack as an ADT
-Stack operation
-Stack application: Evakuation of infix, postfix and prefix expressions
-Queue as an ADT
-Operation in queue, enqueue and dequeue
-Linear and circular queue
-Priority queue

3. List
-Static and dynamic list structure
-Array implementation of lists
-Queue as list

4. Linked Lists
- Link list as an ADT
- Dynamic implementation
- Operation in linked list
- Linked stacks and queue
- Doubly linked lists and its application

5. Recursion
- Principle of recursion
- TOH and Fibonacci sequence
- Application of recursion

6. Trees
- Concepts
-Operation in binary tree
-Tree search, insertion,/ deletion
-Tree traversals
-Height , level and epth of a tree
-AVL balamced trees and balancing algorithm
-The huffman algorithm
-B Tree

7. Sorting
-Types of sorting: internal and eternal
-Insertiona nd selection sort
-Exchange sort
-Merge and radix sort
-Shell sort
-Heap sort as priority queue
-Big O notation and efficiency of sorting

8. Searching
-Search technique
-Sequential, Binary and tree search
-Generall search tree
- Hash functions and hash tables
- Colllision resolution technique

9. Graphs
-Representaton and applications
_graphs as an ADT
_Transitive closusre
_Washall's algorithm
_graphs types
_graphs and spaning forests
_Depth frist Travesal and breadth frist travesaL
_topographical sorting:Depth frist,breadth frist topological sorting
_minimum spanning trees
-Kruskal and Round Robin algorithms
- Shortest path algortihm
- Greedy algorithm
-Dijkstra's Algorithm

-Y. Langsam, MJ Augenstein and AM Tebenbaum,"Data Structure using C and C++"
-GW Rowe"Introduction to Data structure and algorithm with C and C++"
G Brassard of Algorithms"
Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Code : EG 604 SH
Sem : III/I

Theory : 40
Assmnt : 10
Total : 50

1. Varieties of English
-Polite/Familiar and Impersonal

2. Mass Communication
- presentation of talk
-presentation of seminar paper
-conduction of meeting

3. Extensive reading

4. Writing
-Writing description: Landscape, technical processes, mechanical/ electrical onjects, maps, graphs, charts
- preparing note and writing talk
-writing seminar paper
-writing agenda, minute and notice
-writing technical reports

- Anne Eisenberg, "effective technical Communication", McGraw Hill 1982
- KW Hope and TE Pearsall "Reporting technical information" 5th edition

Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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Code : EG 601 SH
Sem : III/I

Theory : 80
Assmnt : 20
Lab : 50
Total : 150


1. Solution of Nonlinear Equations
-Review of calculus, continuity, differentiability, intermediate value theorem, Taylor's theorem
-Absolute, relative and round off errors, error bounds for computational errors
-Bisection method, its error bounds and convergence
-Newton's method, secant method anf their convergence
-fixed point iteration, its convergence properties
-zeroes of polynomials by Horner's method

2. Interpolation and Approximation
-Taylor's polynomial approximation, Lagrange's interpolation
- Newton's interpolation and divided difference
-iterative interpolation
-cubic spline interpolation
-leaast squares method of fitting continuous and discrete data or functions

3. Numerical Differentiation and Integration
-Numerical differentiation formulas
-Newtin-Cote's numerical integration formulas, composite numerical integraiton
-Romberg integration algorithm
-Gaussian Integration formulas

4. Linear Algebraic equation
-Review of the properties of matrices
-matrix form of Gauss elimination, pivoting strategies, ill conditioning
-Cholesky's and related algorithms for matrix factorization
Eigen values and eigen vectors and the power method

5. Solution of ordinary Differential Equation
-Euler;s method for solving ordinary differential equations of 1st order and other related methods
- Runge Kutta methods
-Extension to higher order equations
initial value problem
-boundary value problems

6. Solution of partial differential equations
-introduction to the solution of partial differential equations
-engineerig examples

- W. Cheney and D. Kincad, "Numerical Mathematic and computing", Edition, Brooks/Cole publishing Co. 1985
- CF Gerald and PO wheatley, "Applied Numerical Analysis", 4th edition, Addison-Wesley publishing Company, New york
-S. Yakowitz and F. Szidarovszky," An Introduction to numerical computations", 2nd Edition, Macmillan publishing Co., New York

Syllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa
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"There is nothing mysterious about the effective, high- powered programming techniques used by expert programmers. In the day-to-day rush of grinding out the latest project, however, few experts take the time to share what they have learned. Consequently, programmers may have difficulty finding a good source of programming information" - from Code Complete, by Steven C. McConnell

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