Sub : II/I - Electric Circuits - II

Sub : Electric Circuits - II
Code : EG 527 EE
Sem : II/I

Theory : 80
Assmnt : 20
Lab : 25
Total : 125


1. Matrix method in network analysis
-Mesh and Nodal analysis

2. Classical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients:
-RL, LC Ckt differential equations
-Initial Conditions on L's and C's
-Natural Response, Complete transient and steady state response

3. Time Domain Response of 2nd and Higher order system:
-Initial Conditions
-RLC resonance, damping factors, high and low Q circuits

4. Laplace Transform:
-Laplace transform of
-Step and shifted step functions
-Ramp and impulse functions
-Sinusoidal functions
-Real translation and complex translation theorem
-Partial fraction expressions

5. Laplace transform use:
-Solution of first order, 2nd order and higher order systems

6.Transfer functions, Poles and Zeros of Networks:
-Complex frequency
-Transfer functions fro two part networks
-Poles and Zeros of a n/w
-pole/zero and system time response relations

7.Frequency Response of a N/w:
-Magnitude and phase response
-Bode diagrams
-Band width, high-Q and low-Q Circuits
-Concept of filters, high-pass, band stop, low and band-pass filters.

8.Fourier Seriesand Transform:
-Basic concept of Fourier series and analysis
-non-sinusoidal waveforms-fourier Coefficients

9.Two-Port Parameters of N/w
-Short Circuit Admittance parameters
-Open circuit impedance parameters
-Transmission Short circuit admittance parameters
-Hybrid paramaters
-transmissions and relationship betn sets of parameters

10.State Space Analysis
-State and State Variables
-State space representation of n/w equations

1.Valkenburg, "Network Analysis", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1995
2. Hyat, "Engineering Circuits Analysis", TMH
3. Cilletti ,"Introduction to Circuits Analysis and Design", Holt

Syllabse Typed By:
Bhupal Sapkota
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Sub : I/I Applied Mechanics

Code : EG 439 CE
Sem : I/I

Theory : 80
Assmnt : 20
Total : 100



1. General Principle of Statics:
-equilibrium of particles
-fundamentals length, time and mass
-SI units

2. Vectors:
-Force and position vector
-Addition, Sub, dot & cross products, scalar and triple products, unit vectors

3. Equilibrium of Particles:
-Condition of Equilibrium.
-FBD (Free Body Diagrams)
-Coplanar force systems, transmissibility, force resultant
-3D - Force Systems

4. Force System Resultants:
-Cross Products
-Moments of force - scalar and vector form
-Moments of couple - scalar and vector form
-Reduction of system of forces
-moments to a single force and couples
-Resultant force
-moment for a system of forces

5. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body:
-Conditions for equiblirium
-Equilibrium in 2D : equations, two and three force members
-Equilibrium in 3D : equations, constraints for rigid bodies

6. Friction:
-Laws, Static and Dynamic Friction, Coefficients, Angle of Friction

7. Planar Trusses, Frames and Mechanisms:
-Simple Trusses
-Types of frames : determinate and indeterminate
-Degree of freedom, structure or mechanism
-Internal member force calculation: Trusses, Frames and mechanisms

8. Beams:
-Classification of Beams, loads and supports
-internal shear force, axial force and bending moment at a section

9. Fluid Statics (Hydrostatics):
-Distribution of pressure on submerged surfaces
-Center of pressure and resultant force

10. Center of Gravity and Centroid:
-Center of gravity
-Centroids of lines, areas and volumes
-Second moment (Moment of momentum - inertia)of an area

11. Moment of inertia:
-Moment of inertia by integration
-Parallel axis theorem
-Moments of inertia of composite areas


12. Kinematics of a particle:
-Rectilinear and curvilinear motion
-Uniformly accelerated motion
-Projectile motion
-Rectangular, normal and tangential components of acceleration

13. Kinetics of a Particle:
-Newton's laws and equations of motion
-Normal(rectangular) and tangential components
-Principle of work and energy
-Works, power and efficiency
-Linear impulse and momentum
-Angular impulse and momentum

14. Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body:
-Translation, rotation and general plane motion
-Relative velocity and acceleration analysis

15. Force analysis for Rigid Bodies:
-Equations of motion
-Need for moments of inertia
-Translation, pure rotation and general plane motion
-Constrained motion in plane

16. Principle of work and energy for rigid bodies:
-Kinetic energy
-PE; gravitational forces and elastic elements
-Conservative and non-conservative systems
-Work by external forces, applied loads, frictional force

17. Linear and angular impulse and momentum for Rigid Bodies:
-Conservation of linear and angular momentum
-Impulse motion and accentric impact

1. Beer and Johnson, "Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Static and Dynamics", Third Edition, TMH
2. Hibbeler, "Engineering Mechanics, statics and Dynamics", 5th Edition, MacMilan publishers, NY
3. Beer and Johnson, "Mechanics of Materials", TMH, 1981

Syllabse Typed By:
Bhupal Sapkota
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