Basci Electronics Engineering I/II BCT

1.       Basic Circuits Concepts
1.1   Passive components: Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance: series, parallel combinations, Kirchoff’s law: voltage, current, linearity
1.2   Signal sources: voltage and current sources, nonideal sources, representation under assumption of linearity, controlled sources, VCVS, CCVS, VCCS, CCCS, concept of gain, transconductance, transimpedance.
1.3   Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem
1.4   Introduction to filter
2.       Diodes
2.1   Semiconductor diode characteristics
2.2   Modeling the semiconductor diode
2.3   Diode circuits: clipper, clamper circuits
2.4   Zener diode, LED, Photodiode, varacters diode, Tunnel diodes
2.5   DC power supply, rectifier-half wavee (center tapped, bridge), zener regulated power supply
3.       Transistor
3.1   BJT configuration and biasing, small and large signal model
3.2   T and U model
3.3   Concept of differential amplifier using BJT
3.4   BJT switch and logic circuits
3.5   Construction and working principle of MOSFET and CMOS
3.6   MOSFET as logic circuits
4.       The Operational Amplifier and Oscillator
4.1   Basic model: virtual ground concept, inverting amplifier, non-inverting amplifier, integrator, differentiator, summing amplifier and their applications.
4.2   Basic feedback theory, positive and negative feedback, concept of stability, oscillator
4.3   Waveform generator using op-amp for Square wave, Triangular wave Wien bridge oscillator for sinusoidal waveform
5.       Communication System
5.1   Introduction
5.2   Wired and wireless communication system
5.3   EMW and propagation, antenna, broadcasting and communication
5.4   Internet / intranet
5.5   Optical fiber
6.       Digital Electronics
6.1   Number system: Binary arithmetic
6.2   Logic gates: OR, NOT, AND, NAND, XOR, XNOR gate, Truth tables
6.3   Multiplexer, Demux, Encoder, Decoder
6.4   Logic function representation
6.5   Combinational circuits: SOP, POS form, K-map
6.6   Latch, flip-flop, S-R flip-flop, JK master slave flip-flop, D-flip-flop
6.7   Sequential circuits, Generic block diagram, sift registers, counters
7.       Application of Electronic System
7.1   Instrumentation system: Transducer, strain gauge, DMM, Oscilloscope
7.2   Regulated power supply

7.3   Remote control, character display, clock, counter, measurements, date logging, audio video system
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