Sub : IV/II Engineering Professional Practice

Sub : IV/II Engineering Professional Practice
Code : EG 766 CE
Sem : IV/II

Assmnt : 10
Final : 40
Total : 50

1. Background Perspective:
-Impacts and consequences of technology on society; effects of major technological development such as printing, gunpowders, mechanization, computer, organic chemistry, communication satellites.
-Cultural motivations and limitations, eastern Vs western philosophy of change and development.
-Political and social limitations
-Individual freedom Vs societal goal.
-Exponential growth
-Alternatives use of scarce resources, cause of international tensions
-Risk and overall cost/benefit ration analysis in engineering decision making
-Education and Traning of Technologists, scientists and engineers

2. Ethics and Professionalism
-Perspective on Morals, ethics and professionalism
-Codes of ethics and guidelines for professional engineering practice
-Relaionship of the engineering profession to basic science and technology; relations to other profession

3. Roles of Professional Associations
-Relugation of the practice of the profession, licensing, guidence for traning new etrrants into the profession, advice and assiatance to engineering colleges, upgrading and maintaining the professional and technical competetance of members, providing technical expertise as requested for the guidance and assistance of legislators, seeing to the matter of safety and general welfare of the public in engineering works.

4. Legal Aspects of Professional Engineering in Nepal
-The Nepalese legal System as it affects the practice of engineering
-Provision for private practice and employee engineers
-Contract law
-Contract Documents
-Liability and Negligence
-Relationships to foreign firms working in Nepal

5. The Role and Practice of Professional Engineering in other Countries:
-Other Asia Countries
-The USSR and Estern europr
-Western Europe
-North America

6. Case Studies Involving Professional Ethical Issues Chhosen from a wide range of Topics:
-Intellectual property rights: copyrights and patent protection
-Personal Privacy and large computerized data bases
-Industrialization Vs protection of the environment
-Risk/Benefit consideration in public transportation
-Engineers and the military
-Science and technology for medicine
-Engineers in international development

Tak bahadur galami, "Engineering Professional Practice"

Syllabus Typed By:
Bhupal Sapkota



Project Blogging - the idea

"There is nothing mysterious about the effective, high- powered programming techniques used by expert programmers. In the day-to-day rush of grinding out the latest project, however, few experts take the time to share what they have learned. Consequently, programmers may have difficulty finding a good source of programming information" - from Code Complete, by Steven C. McConnell

This applies to "Project blogging" too and equally to every profession that exists on the globe. That's why the saying "Sharing is caring!"


Project Initiation and support:
Bhupal Sapkota

Support in listing course details:
1. Samir Thapa
2. We would like to list your name here.
Let's complete this project.

Want to help us?

you can help us in following ways:
  • 1. Send us the remaining subject course details.
  • 2. Give feedbacks on post and articles.
  • 3. Create your own blog, it can be specific to subject of your interest or anything related computer technologies. Let us know in the comments, your web page could be reference for hundreds of "Project Bloggers". We'd list your web page here under "Blogs" sections.

Supported by : Semicolon Developers, Shankhamul, Kathmandu
Project Blogging - a call for engineers from Nepal - 2011
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