Sub : III/I Control System

Sub : Control System
Code : EG 648 EE
Sem : III/I

Theory : 20
Assmnt : 80
Lab : 25
Total : 125

1. Component Modeling Linearization
- Differential equation and transfer function notation
-state space formulation of differential equations matrix notation
-mechanical component: mass, spring damper
-electrical component: inductance, capacitance, resistance, sources, motors, tahometers, transducer, operational apmlifier circuits
-fluid and fluidic components
-thermal system components
-mixed system
- linearized approximation of non linear characteristics

2. System transfer functions and response
-combination of components to physical system
-bloxk diagram algebra and system reduction
-mason's loop rules
-laplafce transform anlysis of system with standard input functions steps ramps, impulses, sinusods
-initial and final steady state equilibria of systems
- principle and effects of feedback on steady state gain bndwidth error magnitude, dynamic response

3. Stability
- Heuristic interpretation of the conditions for stability of a feedback system
-characteristics equation, complex plance interpretation of stability, root locations and stability
-routh hurwitz criterion, eigenvalue criterion
-setting loop gain using the RH criterion
-relative stability from complex plane axis shifting

4. Root Locus Methos\d
-Relationship between root loci and time response of systems
- Rules for manual calculations and construction of root loci diagrams
-computer programs for root loci plotting, polynomial root finding and repeated eigenvalues methods
-derivative feedback compensation design with root locus.
-setting controller parameters using root locus
-parameter change sensitivity analysis by root locus

5. Frequency response methods
-frequency domain characterization of systems
-relationship between real and complex frequency response
-bode amplitude and phase plots
-effects of gain time constants on bode diagrams
-stability from the bode diagram
-corelation between bode diagram plots and real time response: gain and phase margins, damping ratio
-polar diagram representation, Nyquist diagrams and real time response of systems: stability, relative stability, gain and phase margin, damping ratio

6. Simulation using microcomputer and appropriate software
-role of simulation studies
-linear and non linear simulations
-TUTSIM as a simulation tool

7. Performance specification for control system
- time domain specifications: steday state errors, response rate, error criteria, hard and soft limits on response, damping ratio, log decrement
- frequency domain specification: band width, response amplitude ratio

8. compensation and design
-application of root locus, frequency response and simulation in design
-meeting steady state error criteria
-lead, lag and lead lag compensation
-PID controllers

-K ogata "Modern Control Engineering" @nd edition , Prentice HallSyllabus Typed By:

Mr. Samir Thapa



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